📍 Let’s get you started! 💯

STEP 1: Navigate to Bricks Protocol Testnet and connect your metamask

Navigate to the link provided above and this is what your screen should look like. Now, Click on the Connect button which appears at the top right corner of the screen.

<aside> 🦊 To proceed, make sure that you have a metamask account and extension. In case you don’t, you can check out our *guide* and follow the steps.



<aside> 💡 When connecting your Metamask, Mumbai testnet will be automatically added through the process in case you don’t have it added already. The process will also change the network to Mumbai testnet if you are currently connected to some other network. All you need to do is approve the transactions from your Metamask.


STEP 2: Join the Tournament

Choose the event you want to participate in and click on the Join Event button. You would have to approve the succeeding transactions from your metamask after clicking the button.

<aside> ℹ️ It is advised to click on the Event Card which opens the drawer with detailed Event Information. For instance, to be eligible for getting rewards upon winning Testnet Trading Competition, you will be required to submit your entry in the Google Form the link for which is found in the Event Description.



<aside> <img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/1808/1808306.png" alt="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/1808/1808306.png" width="40px" /> Ensure that you have testnet MATIC in your account, as it is used in every transaction for paying gas fee. Also, you should hold the required joining fee in the tournament-specific asset. You can follow the steps in our faucet guide to acquire the required assets.


STEP 3: Visit the Event

Once joined, you can click on the Go To Event button to start with the buying and selling of the tradable assets.

<aside> ⚠️ You will not be able to access the event if the tournament has not begun yet.



STEP 4: You are ready to begin trading