Why do I need MATIC in my wallet?

MATIC is used to pay for the gas fee. A gas fee is the amount of cryptocurrency required for a blockchain network user to transact on the network. The gas fee is paid in the blockchain’s native asset. For Polygon, it is MATIC.

<aside> 💡 For Bricks Protocol, you will need to pay the gas fee when joining & creating the tournaments, and withdrawing the joining fee & rewards.


How do I get Testnet MATIC?

On the Bricks Protocol dApp, Click on your address at the top-right corner once you’ve connected to Metamask. Then, click on the ‘Get MATIC’ link to open mumbaifaucet.com where you can get yourself 1 Mumbai MATIC/day (5 after signing up).

Link to MATIC Faucet

Link to MATIC Faucet

Upon visiting the website, you just need to input your wallet address and click on the ‘Send Me MATIC’ button. You can copy your address by clicking the Metamask Extension on your browser, and copying the address by clicking the account.

Getting testnet MATIC

Getting testnet MATIC

Copying your testnet address

Copying your testnet address

Why do I need other Testnet assets?

The Tournaments hosted on Bricks Protocol generally have a joining fee associated with them. The joining fee has to be paid in the asset specified by the tournament creator. To join the tourneys, you need to have the specified asset in your account.

How do I get other Testnet assets?

On the Bricks Protocol dApp, Click on your address at the top-right corner once you’ve connected to Metamask. Then, click on the ‘Get Testnet Assets’ link to open https://app.aave.com/faucet/ where you can get yourself the required testnet assets.

Link to testnet assets’ faucet

Link to testnet assets’ faucet

After visiting the website, click on the Connect wallet button at the top-right corner to connect your Metamask. Once connected, click on the ‘s’ link to open settings icon and toggle on the Testnet mode. After that, click on the Faucet button corresponding to your required asset.

Faucet - Connecting Wallet

Faucet - Connecting Wallet

Faucet - Turning testnet mode on

Faucet - Turning testnet mode on